About The Solomon Sisters

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Spring Hill, Florida, United States
I'm TTC (trying to conceive). If you don't want to read about that sensitive subject matter, then please don't read this blog. All else, welcome! :)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Curious Chelsea

Last night was a good night.  Chelsea came to me twice when I called her name and said "Come here".   She spent a lot more time yesterday exploring outside on the balcony, and even peed out there on the mat (not quite on the potty patch but close enough!).  I was happy about that because the mat I can just throw in the washing machine, as opposed to the carpet in the house.

A few times during the day yesterday, she got up on her own, hopped off the couch and walked around sniffing at things inside and outside.  I was glad she was showing interest on her own.

Then she'd go back to sleeping for a bit, but was so cute when she woke p because her "hair" on the side of her neck was sticking up and she had her paws crossed and looked too sweet.  So I snapped a photo.

Even though Chelsea ran when we tried to pick her up for most of the night, by the end of the night she let me pick her up and bring her to bed where she stayed at the end of the bed during the night.  I noticed in the middle of the night she got up and went over to the couch.  She was standing on the couch, stretched up looking out the open window at around 4am.  I couldn't figure out why she was so interested in the outside all of a sudden, but today we heard sirens from a cop car that went down the street behind our complex and all of a sudden a bunch of coyotes began barking and howling.  There must be a big pack behind our building in the wooded area, so I'm wondering if she heard/smelled them at night.

 Today, we got her harness on her and I called Charlotte to come to me so I could get her to use the potty patch and Chelsea came over immediately and sat on it.  She is definitely listening more and responding to more commands.

Then, we tried to get her to walk a bit on the leash but she didn't want to.  We let her watch Charlotte do it, but Charlotte got tired out and bored of the whole thin quickly, so it didn't really help Chelsea. 

At one point Chels got frustrated and tried to chew through the leash so we put the thicker one on her and decided we'll keep the harness on her and sometimes the leash and that way she can't run away.  She has a much different attitude with the harness/leash on.  A lot less "wild" and "independent".

Anyway, after all of that, I was exhausted from all the waking up last night, so I decided to take a nap and brought Chelsea with me.  She laid next to me and even put her paw out and touched my hand on her own.  Usually she flinches when we touch her but this time she voluntarily touched me.  When I woke up a few hours later (definitely overslept!) she was still there next to me but had moved around a little.   So I laid there and pet her belly for a bit and she fell back asleep. 

She'll come up to me while I'm not looking and I've started carrying a mirror so I can see her while still keeping my back to her.  She always gets behind me.  She'll run past me and then go behind me and follow me.  It's weird but I'm thinking maybe it's a respect thing?  Or maybe she is trying to see where I go?   She was curious enough yesterday to jump off the couch on her own and come find me... twice.  Once I was taking Charlotte potty and the second time I purposely hid in the guest room to see if she'd do it and she did almost immediately.  So she definitely is becoming more curious.  :)

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